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Instructor and Therapist

International Center for NaturoBioHolistic
Health and Medicine:



ICNHM was founded to educate professionals in a new healing system. It is time that we broaden the approach to disease resistance and healing beyond the current modern medical approach. Modern medicine is excellent in emergency treatment and acute care. Modern medicine is also expert at diagnosis with laboratory testing and imaging. ICNHM was founded to provide another level of care that includes primary prevention and gentler treatment options.

ICNHM doctors are trained to refer to medical doctors and hospitals when acute and life-threatening situations arise. Modern medicine may treat diseases after symptoms appear. This may be decades after the causes of the diseases start. ICNHM doctors are taught to reduce risk of illness.

ICNHM doctors teach patients how to avoid diseases before they develop. Many common diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease, have roots in nutritional deficiencies and low levels of fitness. Nutritional excesses may also play a role in the early development of these and other diseases. ICNHM doctors are trained with hundreds of classroom hours in nutrition and hundreds of classroom hours in exercise and fitness. Modern medical education does not emphasize disease-risk prevention training.

ICNHM doctors are trained in lifestyle diagnosis. This includes diagnosis and correction of diet, fitness levels, stress, and exposure to environmental pollutants. ICNHM nutritional training goes beyond the normal training of a registered dietitian. While dietitians look principally at nutrient deficiencies, ICNHM doctors are trained to also look for excesses of certain nutrients and to evaluate contamination of food. This is accomplished with a diet record. Diet records are analyzed for nutrients, and food substitutions are suggested for correction of both deficiencies and excesses. Fitness is another necessary component of disease risk reduction. Exercise records are monitored to ensure that many different types of fitness are achieved. Patients are trained in strengthening, aerobics, flexibility, and enhanced blood flow techniques.

Stress can have significant effects on the immune, digestive, nervous, and muscular systems. ICNHM doctors are taught how to identify sources of stress and taught effective stress relief and relaxation procedures. Stress records identify sources of stress so that a program can be designed to reduce stressors, change reactions to stressors, and develop relaxation techniques. ICNHM doctors are needed because modern medicine may not incorporate techniques to raise optimum health and improve disease resistance.

ICNHM doctors are sworn to “first of all, do no harm.” Treatment-caused illness from the techniques of modern medicine is one of the top causes of death in the United States. ICNHM doctors do not use potentially dangerous techniques, such as drugs and surgery. They are taught to support the healing power of nature, rather than to overpower the natural balances in the body. Instead of using powerful drugs, surgery, and radiation techniques, gentler approaches, such as hydrotherapy, botanical therapy, and neuromuscular therapy are part of the curriculum. Diet therapies, not often used in modern medicine, are implemented for both risk reduction and to resolve health problems. Because of the powerful influence of the mind on physical health, many different approaches to the interaction of mind and body are considered. Expanding on relatively new Western medical science, techniques and perspectives from the Ayurvedic, Chinese, humoral, and other systems are part of the ICNHM training.

ICNHM doctors are trained in botanical medicine. Plants are and have been used as medicine in many parts of the world and throughout history. Plant medicines, although not used in modern American medicine, can be effective and are often gentler than drugs when used with chronic health problems. ICNHM doctors are trained in the use of hundreds of botanical therapies. They are trained that sometimes a gentle herb tea, such as chamomile, might be a healthier alternative to harsher drugs, such as Prozac(TM) for nervous problems. The fast action of drugs is often needed in a hospital setting, however, the gentler herbs may be better for long-term use, such as during convalescence. ICNHM doctors are introduced to the systems of herb use and diagnosis in different cultures.

ICNHM doctors receive advanced training in neuromuscular therapy. They are also trained in structural therapies designed to relieve postural stresses and enhance movement. Touch therapies are excellent for understanding the physical state of the patient, for relaxation, and to relieve pain from injuries. The effects of posture, ergodynamics, and movement on musculoskeletal problems are part of the curriculum. ICNHM doctors are needed because modern medical doctors are not trained in the manipulation of superficial and deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. Hydrotherapies are often used in conjunction with manipulation therapies. ICNHM doctors are trained in the many uses of water, from cold water to steam, to treat health conditions. Modern medicine does use ice packs for inflammatory conditions. However, there are many other hydrotherapies that have powerful effects. For example, a hot bath may be more effective in inducing sleep than drugs, and without the undesirable side effects.

Modern medicine can give the same drugs to people regardless of their individual differences. ICNHM doctors are taught how to tailor treatment programs to the individual based upon differences in metabolism, vascular structure, digestive structure and function, nervous tension, and other individual characteristics. ICNHM doctors are taught listening skills because each patient needs to discuss their own health history in detail. . Modern medicine advocates weight management. ICNHM doctors are taught techniques to achieve optimal weight including overcoming habit patterns, understanding addictions, and keeping agreements with oneself.

ICNHM doctors are taught many techniques to extend healthy lifespan including avoiding pollutants in food, optimum nutrition, continuing fitness, and a positive mental attitude. Medical doctors take charge of the patient and tell them what to do. ICNHM doctors teach the patient how to care for themselves. The original meaning of the word “doctor” means teacher. Each patient is taught the road to better health and encouraged to begin the changes needed to achieve disease resistance and recovery from illness. It is up to the patient and their family to implement these changes to the extent that they are willing and able.

The International Center for NaturoBioHolistic Health and Medicine (ICNHM) taught European naturopathy in America. With challenging admission requirements, enrollment into this exclusive school was limited. Extensive educational programs resulted in the granting of fully accredited degrees in naturopathic medicine and doctorates in holistic health. The college was situated in Minnesota.

Before the first-year, in-residence classes started, new students were required to read dozens of books to introduce them to the vast subject area about to be covered. Upon arrival, students were taught speed reading and learning techniques to assist with the extensive curriculum.

The ICNHM campus was situated lakeside on an extensive estate. Students and faculty stayed in the many dorms and buildings. Amenities included a sauna, canoes, a large fitness center, health clinic, and meal hall. The college office building included the bookstore and a collection of research studies.

The library building housed an impressive collection of books, including many rare and first edition books. A large part of the library was bequeathed from Benedict Lust, the father of John Lust. He was often called the Father of Naturopathy in America. The International Center for Naturobioholistic Health and Medicine taught European naturopathy where nature does the healing—injections and surgery were not part of the curriculum.

Class information was organized into a set of custom binders by each student.


Students were in class from eight in the morning until six in the evening, with at least one evening class. Students were allowed up to an hour a day to use the fully-equipped gymnasium that was part of the training.

Visiting faculty supplemented the resident faculty. Medical doctors came to ICNHM to lecture on childbirth and pathology. Experts in anatomy and physiology came to teach understanding of the structure and function of the mechanical aspects of the human body.

ICNHM presented a fitness program for those who sought exceptional fitness. Fitness is an important factor in achieving optimum health. Part of the training was to achieve physical fitness. Fitness training was also designed to assist with the mental gymnastics of accelerated and intensive learning. Fitness courses taught a balanced perspective on the various types of fitness activities. Strengthening regimes from Olympic athletes were presented. Dr. Martin, inventor of gravity boots and inversion machines came and lectured on gravity guidance. Rebounding was introduced as a natural remedy for blood stagnation and the circulation of lymph fluid. Various aerobic fitness regimes were detailed. Exercise physiology was presented.

Students were served gourmet vegetarian meals. Extensive classes were held on nutritional basics, micronutrition, natural diet, superfoods, and supplementation. Over 390 classroom hours of nutrition were required at ICNHM. Dietary analysis was taught.

ICNHM had a large curriculum on rejuvenation. This included hands-on trials of techniques, such as facial packs with clay or herbs. Students were introduced to the therapies and techniques used in health clinics around the world.

The courses on the causes of stress and how to deal with it were extensive. Dr. Cooper based some of the course material at ICNHM on his treatment of many busy executives on how to reduce stress and relax. Autogenic training and progressive relaxation were taught by masters in the field.

The four-year in-residence education at ICNHM was set up to allow some continuation of life outside of school. The fall semester consisted of 15 weeks of intensive education. There was a break to allow students to attend to their families and businesses in the winter. During this time, students had extensive reading lists and multiple assignments. The reading load was three books a week with reports and tests when spring semester started. Spring semester at ICNHM consisted of intensive seminars for 15 weeks. Summer break also had extensive reading assignments. The classroom hours consisted of 945 hours per year in regular sessions plus 150 hours of night classes. 4380 total classroom hours were required to qualify for the doctor of naturopathy degree. Independent study contributed a total of 254 of these hours over the four years.

At the end of the first year, students took examinations to qualify as Certified Natural Health Practitioners. By the second year students had completed the 1800-hour course in massage and hydrotherapy conducted by the Florida School of Massage and Hydrotherapy onsite. Neuromuscular therapy was an important part of the body therapies taught. By year four, students were recipients of the one of the best educations in natural medicine offered in the world.

Board examinations for the naturopathic doctor degree at ICNHM lasted for eight hours on each of three successive days. Students also had to pass another set of tests on their physical condition. Passing students were granted a degree in naturopathic medicine. Dedicated students went on to prepare a doctoral thesis. Doctor of Science degrees were awarded upon successful completion of a thesis.



International Center for NaturoBioHolistic Health & Medicine


Four-Year Naturopathic College Curriculum

Doctor of naturopathy total hours = 4380



Total number of year one units: 1095


COURSE DESCRIPTION                                                        NUMBER OF UNITS

(1 Unit= 50 Min. Class)


History of Natural Healing I                                                    12 Units

Roots of Disease/Principles of Natural Living            

Natural Healing and Optimum Health                                      8 Units

The Four Foundations of Optimum Health

Holistic Wellness: A Full-Spectrum Approach                         8 Units

Speed Learning                                                                      8 Units

            How to read research studies

Health Sciences & Terminology                                               20 Units

Common Illnesses and Diseases                                              16 Units

Anatomy & Physiology                                                            112 Units

General Evaluation Procedures                                                12 Units

Bioindividuality I                                                                     12 Units

Listening Skills                                                                         6 Units

Neovitology I                                                                           8 Units

Nutritional Science I                                                                16 Units

Exercise Science I                                                                    16 Units

Biomechanics of Structure, Posture, and Movement I             16 Units

Emergency Life Support Skills I                                             12 Units

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Certification                          16 Units

Natural Diet and Nutrition I, II, III                                           96 Units

Trauma-Free Exercise I, II                                                       96 Units

Natural Revitalization Processes I, II                                       12 Units

Stress Control and Relaxation Methods I, II                             48 Units

Medical Plant Science I, II                                                       22 Units

Weight Control I, II                                                                  22 Units

Optimum Patterns of Posture and Movement I, II                    22 Units

Optimum Sleep and Rest I, II                                                   22 Units

Natural Pressure Therapies Introduction                                    8 Units

Hydrotherapies and Heliotherapies Introduction                         8 Units

Living Environments I                                                             16 Units

Light and Health I                                                                    8 Units

Colors and Health I                                                                  4 Units

Sounds, Music, and Health I                                                    4 Units

Biopolarities and Life Energy Considerations I                          8 Units

Mind/Body Integration I, II                                                      48 Units

Psychology I                                                                            8 Units

Ecology Factors I                                                                     12 Units

Spiritual Health and Self-Realization I                                     24 Units

Optimum Health Longevity I                                                   20 Units

Life Transitions I                                                                     8 Units

Health Professions: Referral Considerations                            12 Units

Professional Communication Skills I, II                                   24 Units

Holistic Health Program Design & Personalization I                48 Units

Holistic Health Education I, II                                                 8 Units

Comparatives in Natural Health Therapies                               16 Units

Professional Networking                                                          6 Units

Professional Ethics I, II                                                            8 Units

Jurisprudence I, II                                                                    8 Units

Business and Office Procedures I                                            16 Units

The Successful Professional I                                                  16 Units

Full-Spectrum Perspectives                                                      6 Units

Independent Study                                                                   113 Hours

Review for First Year Comprehensive Exams                         8 Units


982 classroom hours + 113 independent study hours = 1095 year one hours





Total number of year two units: 1095


COURSE DESCRIPTION                                                        NUMBER OF UNITS

(1 Unit= 50 Min. Class)


History of Natural Healing II                                                   12 Units

Anatomy: Advanced Correlative-Neuomusculoskeletal            16 Units

Cellular Physiology II                                                              4 Units

Physiology: Correlative- Neuromusculoskeletal                        16 Units

Body Systems and Immunology                                               16 Units

General Evaluation Procedures III                                           16 Units

Neuromusculoskeletal tests                                                      8 Units

Self-care and Wellness                                                            4 Units

Bioindividuality                                                                       4 Units

Neovitology II                                                                         4 Units

Nutritional Science II                                                               24 Units

Exercise Science                                                                      12 Units

Emergency Life Support Skills II                                             8 Units

Natural First Aid I                                                                    8 Units

Natural Diet and Nutrition IV, V                                              36 Units

Trauma-Free Exercise III                                                         48 Units

Natural Revitalization Processes III                                         8 Units

Stress Control and Relaxation Methods II                                32 Units

Botany/Plant Ecology I, II                                                        12 Units

Medical Plant Science III, IV                                                   28 Units

Homeopathy I: Introduction                                                    8 Units

Weight Control III                                                                    12 Units

Optimum Patterns of Posture and Movement III                       16 Units

Optimum Sleep and Rest III                                                     8 Units

Natural Pressure Therapies II                                                   4 Units

Clinical Massage Therapy I, II                                                 228 Units

Clinical Massage Therapy Laws                                               8 Units

Neuromuscular Therapy                                                           92 Units

Acupressure and Reflexology Therapies                                  24 Units

Natural Pressure Therapies General Clinical                            24 Units

Preparation for Massage Therapy Certification                        24 Units

Clinical Hydrotherapies                                                           40 Units

Clinical Heliotherapies                                                             20 Units

Thermotherapies                                                                      16 Units

Living Environments II                                                              4 Units

Mind/Body Integration III                                                        24 Units

Community Health Systems I, II                                              12 Units

Spiritual Health & Self-Realization II                                      12 Units

Optimum Health Longevity II                                                  8 Units

Life Transitions II                                                                    8 Units

Professional Communication Skills III                                     16 Units

Holistic Health Program Design/Personalization II                   36 Units

The Successful Professional III                                                8 Units

Full-Spectrum Perspectives                                                      4 Units

Health and Wellness in the Future                                           8 Units

Structural Connective Tissue Anatomy & Physiology              8 Units

Neurophysiology Introduction                                                 8 Units

General Evaluation Procedures IV                                           8 Units

Iridology II: Research Progress                                               12 Units

Postural Analysis                                                                     8 Units

Independent Study                                                                  53 Hours

1042 classroom hours + 53 independent study hours = 1095 year two hours





Total number of year three units: 1095


COURSE DESCRIPTION                                                        NUMBER OF UNITS

(1 Unit= 50 Min. Class)


Self-Care and Wellness II                                                        18 Units

Bioindividuality III                                                                  6 Units

Nutritional Science III                                                              20 Units

Exercise Science III                                                                 16 Units

Natural First Aid II                                                                   6 Units

Natural Diet and Nutrition VI                                                  24 Units

Trauma-Free Exercise IV                                                         36 Units

Natural Revitalization Process IV                                            8 Units

Stress Control and Relaxation Methods IV                              36 Units

Botanical Materia Medica                                                        112 Units

Natural Pressure Therapies III                                                  32 Units

Structural Therapies                                                                 22 Units

Postural/Structural Integration I, II, III, IV                               280 Units

Specific Kinesiology I, II                                                         40 Units

Gravitational Exchange Therapies I, II                                     24 Units

Amphiarthrotic/Diarthrotic Articulation Therapies                   24 Units

Synarthrotic Articulation Therapies                                         24 Units

Living Environment Factors III                                                16 Units

Acupuncture & Moxibustion Therapies                                    8 Units

Mind-Body Integration IV                                                       40 Units

Psychology II                                                                           8 Units

Self-Actualization                                                                    8 Units

Psychosynthesis                                                                       8 Units

Transpersonal Psychology                                                       8 Units

Ecology Factors II                                                                    14 Units

Community Health Systems III                                                  48 Units

Spiritual Health & Self-Realization/Actualization III               24 Units

Mental Imagery and Visualization Skills                                      12 Units

Life Transitions III                                                                   24 Units

Holistic Health Program Design & Personalization III              40 Units

Business & Office Procedures II                                             6 Units

The Successful Professional III                                                 6 Units

Independent Study                                                                   81 Hours

Research Techniques                                                               8 Units

Thesis Selection                                                                       8 Units

1014 classroom hours + 81 independent study hours = 1095 year three hours





Total number of year four units: 1095


COURSE DESCRIPTION                                                        NUMBER OF UNITS

(1 Unit= 50 Min. Class)


Anatomy & Physiology Correlatives                                        36 Units

Psychophysiology                                                                    16 Units

General Evaluation Procedures IV                                           32 Units

Self-Care and Wellness III                                                       8 Units

Bioindividuality IV                                                                  8 Units

Natural Childbirth I, II                                                             56 Units

Nutritional Science IV                                                             72 Units

Exercise Science IV                                                                 8 Units

Emergency Life Support Skills IV                                           8 Units

Natural Diet & Nutrition VII                                                    104 Units

Trauma-Free Exercise V                                                          48 Units

Natural Revitalization Processes V                                          8 Units

Stress Control & Relaxation Methods V                                 36 Units

Clinical Biofeedback                                                               24 Units

Medical Plant Science IV, V, VI                                              96 Units

Field Botany                                                                            44 Units

Weight Control V                                                                     12 Units

Optimum Patterns of Posture & Movement V                          32 Units

Optimum Sleep & Rest IV                                                       12 Units

Natural Pressure Therapies: Advanced Correlatives                 80 Units

Living Environment Factors IV                                                 12 Units

Mind-Body Integration V                                                         16 Units

Ecology Factors III                                                                  12 Units

Community Health Systems IV                                               16 Units

Spiritual Health & Self-Realization IV                                     24 Units

The Family Environment                                                         12 Units

Optimum Health Longevity IV                                                12 Units

Life Transitions IV                                                                  12 Units

Holistic Health Program Design IV                                          24 Units

Natural Therapeutics Comparatives                                         24 Units

Professional Networking II                                                      32 Units

Jurisprudence III, IV                                                                16 Units

Business & Office Procedures III                                            12 Units

The Successful Professional Practice IV                                   12 Units

Full-Spectrum Perspectives                                                      32 Units

Independent Study                                                                   7 Hours

Program Review                                                                      64 Units


1088 classroom hours + 7 independent study hours = 1095 year four hours




Doctor of naturopathy total hours = 4380


Peggy Swimming

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